Important accessory to maintain the correct operation of your equipment. Meter to analyze the inlet or outlet water of a reverse osmosis equipment. With this accessory you can find out the quality of the water you are drinking, and in the case of being inadequate, take appropriate measures to correct it and get a HIGH QUALITY WATER. Includes batteries and user manual
What is a TDS meter?
The acronym TDS stands for “Total Dissolved Solids”, so the higher the TDS the worse the water quality. TDS is measured in PPM (Parts Per Million). Pure H2O or distilled water has no dissolved solids, so if it is passed through a TDS reader the test result will be “0” or a very low number if there are traces of minerals in the water.
If you test a bottled water of weak mineralization, the result will be around 50 PPM, on the other hand if you use tap water and dissolve salt you will see how the number of PPM will increase as a result of the test.
Which water is the most recommended?
Defining which water is more advisable to consume, whether with many or few minerals, will depend on each person and according to their needs. For people who do not suffer from any disease and who live in a country where temperatures are generally high, it is better to consume mineralized water, since the mineral load is the one that provides proper hydration. An example of this are isotonic drinks for athletes with a high mineral content. On the other hand, for people suffering from nephritic colic, they should consult with their doctor and see which water is best suited for this type of person, but certainly a water with weak mineralization. As for babies from 0 to 6 months, whose digestive system is still in the process of development and the best food they assimilate is breast milk or substitute milk, it is advisable that the preparation of bottles based on substitute milk be with water of weak mineralization, so as not to add minerals at this stage when the baby is not yet able to assimilate them well.
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