Solutions against limescale Drinking water

If the water in your kitchen faucet tastes unpleasant, if the water in your refrigerator doesn't taste like it,... At Bbagua we have the solution...

If you are an environmentally friendly person, you will decide not to consume bottled water in plastics. The alternative is to treat your tap water. Choose the solution that best suits your pocket.


With Bbagua filtration systems, we improve tap water by removing suspended particles and sediments, improve the taste of water by removing chlorine and its harmful effects (trihalomethanes) and heavy metals. They are the perfect alternative to the use of the well-known and uncomfortable Filter Jugs, and expensive because they use short-term consumables (2 months). Our filters use consumables to be changed only 1 time per year.

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Reverse Osmosis Purification

Through a complete filtration process and a process of passing water through a reverse osmosis membrane, we obtain the best quality of water for drinking and cooking. A light water, free of chlorine, limescale, sediments and very weak mineralisation, like the best bottled water on the market. All this on our kitchen faucet, without the need to buy, drag, store and recycle heavy water jugs. Maximum comfort for your family.

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